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DRB Meeting 6-27-24

  • Thursday, June 27, 2024
    PM – 7 PM

Development Review Board


2024 0627 DRB Draft Minutes 491 KB

Approved on: Thursday, July 25, 2024

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2024 0627 DRB Draft Minutes 491 KB

Web version


Draft Minutes



One Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Thursday, June 27, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m.

Present: Spencer LaBarge-Chair, Reg Beliveau Jr, Harold Garrett, Jennifer Yandow, Jim Pratt-Members, Amy Giroux-Zoning Administrator, Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant, Robert Gibbs, Ronald Ellis, Rick Leduc, Christian Jablonski

  1. Call to Order

Mr. LaBarge called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

  1. Agenda Review

Mr. LaBarge reviewed the agenda, read the definition of interested persons and swore in the applicants, interested persons and board members.

Ms. Yandow works with Mr. Gibbs but there is no conflict with either of them.

  1. Meeting Topics:

DRB-15-2024: Mark & Amanda St. Pierre

            DRB-22-2024: Robert Gibbs

            DRB-23-2024: Robert Gibbs

            DRB-24-2024: Ronald Ellis

            DRB-25-2024: Eric Leduc

  1. #DRB-15-2024: Mark & Amanda St. Pierre request for final plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 2596 Highgate Road in the SG/Southern Growth District.

Mr. Jablonski came before the board as a representative for Mr. & Ms. St. Pierre for final approval. Mr. Jablonski said there have been no changes since preliminary approval. Mr. Beliveau verified the minimum lot size in the SG/Southern Growth District is a quarter acre and this is proposed one-third acre so that is fine. Mr. Garrett said the building does not meet the setbacks but there is nothing they can do about that because the building is pre-existing.

Mr. Pratt said part of this property/building is in Vermont State right-of-way, if this property was to burn our bylaws say you can rebuild with-in the same footprint. Ms. Giroux said within a year. Mr. Pratt questions whether they would be able to do that? Mr. Jablonski said they would need to confer with VTrans on that. Mr. Pratt said otherwise they would need to come back before the Development Review Board for setbacks. Mr. Pratt said that’s the only concern. Mr. Jablonski said that the home is old and would say maybe the home was built at the same time as the road.

  1. #DRB-22-2024: Robert Gibbs request for variance for the side setback to build an addition to a single-family dwelling located at 5 Greenwich Street in the R5/Residential district.

Mr. Gibbs came before the board to request a variance to build an addition. Mr. Gibbs said the original portion of the house was built in the 1880’s and some additions have been added. They are looking to build this addition to square off the existing house. This addition would be 8’ away from the property line but he has a letter from the neighbors with no issue with the addition. This addition will run parallel to the home. The addition will be a 2-story with a master bedroom upstairs and a spare bedroom downstairs for guests. MR. LaBarge clarified on the map provided what the plan is. The addition is continuing an existing wall/squaring up the building.

Mr. Beliveau said looking at the existing house and the addition isn’t adding any more non-conformance. Mr. LaBarge said the building is already non-conforming at the 8’ mark.

Mr. Garrett said it’s already non-conforming and less than what they would ask for in a variance. Mr. LaBarge said to clarify the board have always agreed to 10’ for variances, but this is squaring the house up making it more presentable. Mr. Pratt believes its better for the home to be square in the neighborhood. 

  1. #DRB-23-2024: Robert Gibbs request for conditional use less 30% for the front setback to build an addition to a single-family dwelling located at 5 Greenwich Street in the R5/Residential district.

Mr. LaBarge asked Ms. Giroux if the math was correct for Conditional Use? Yes.

Mr. Beliveau said he isn’t adding anything in non-conformance just squaring the building up.

Mr. Garrett asked for clarification on front setback. M.s Giroux explained what was needed. No matter what you’re building you must meet all four setbacks.

  1. #DRB-24-2024: Ronald Ellis request for conditional use to build a two-family dwelling located at 7 Turkey Terrace in the SR/Shoreland Recreation district.

Mr. Ellis explained he bought the property a few years ago and purchased 13 Turkey Terrace last year with the intention of building a home for his daughter. Mr. Gibbs did not want to sell 7 Turkey Terrace so now he wants to build a duplex to rent out for income. Mr. Gibbs believes this will fit on the lot.

  1. #DRB-25-2024: Eric Leduc request for conditional use less 30% for the two front setbacks to build a garage located at 2 Evelyn Lane in the R5/Residential district.

Mr. Leduc came before the board to build a garage. Mr. Beliveau said he meets the setbacks.

Ms. Yandow verified it will just be a garage with no apartment? Mr. Leduc said no, just a 3-car garage. Mr. Leduc said he doesn’t have any plans to build a house but, in the future, will need the garage to be in this location.

  1. Set Next DRB Meeting

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024

  1. Minutes DRB May 23, 2024

Mr. Beliveau made a motion to approve the May 23, 2024, draft minutes as written, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.

  1. Any Other Necessary Business


  1. Public Comment


  1. Deliberative Session

Mr. Pratt made a motion to enter deliberative session at 6:25 pm, seconded by Mrs. Yandow. Motion carried.

Ms. Yandow made a motion to exit deliberative session at 6:30 pm, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.

  1. Mr. Beliveau made a motion to APPROVE DRB-15-2024: Mark & Amanda St. Pierre request for final plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 2596 Highgate Road in the SG/Southern Growth District as warned, seconded by Mr. Garrett. Motion carried.
  1. Ms. Yandow made a motion to APPROVE DRB-22-2024: Robert Gibbs request for variance for the side setback to build an addition to a single-family dwelling located at 5 Greenwich Street in the R5/Residential district the board feels it is already a non-conforming property but given that he is not adding to non-conformity be approved as warned per article 3, section 3.8 page 3-11, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Ms. Yandow made a motion to APPROVE DRB-23-2024: Robert Gibbs request for conditional use less 30% for the front setback to build an addition to a single-family dwelling located at 5 Greenwich Street in the R5/Residential district as warned, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. Pratt made a motion to APPROVE DRB-24-2024: Ronald Ellis request for conditional use to build a two-family dwelling located at 7 Turkey Terrace in the SR/Shoreland Recreation district as warned, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.
  1. Mr. LaBarge made a motion to APPROVE DRB-25-2024: Eric Leduc request for conditional use less 30% for the two front setbacks to build a garage located at 2 Evelyn Lane in the R5/Residential district, seconded by Mr. Pratt. Motion carried.
  1. Adjournment

Ms. Yandow made a motion to adjourn at 6:33 pm, seconded by Mr. Beliveau. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by

Christina Candels-Administrative Assistant

Printable version

2024 0627 DRB Agenda 346 KB

Web version





One Academy Street

Swanton, VT 05488

Thursday, June 27, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m.

A. Call to Order

B. Agenda Review

C. Meeting Topics:

  1. #DRB-15-2024: Mark & Amanda St. Pierre request for final plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 2596 Highgate Road in the SG/Southern Growth District.
  1. #DRB-22-2024: Robert Gibbs request for variance for the side setback to build an addition to a single-family dwelling located at 5 Greenwich Street in the R5/Residential district.
  1. #DRB-23-2024: Robert Gibbs request for conditional use less 30% for the front setback to build an addition to a single-family dwelling located at 5 Greenwich Street in the R5/Residential district.
  1. #DRB-24-2024: Ronald Ellis request for conditional use to build a two-family dwelling located at 7 Turkey Terrace in the SR/Shoreland Recreation district.
  1. #DRB-25-2024: Eric Leduc request for conditional use less 30% for the two front setbacks to build a garage located at 2 Evelyn Lane in the R5/Residential district.

D. Deliberative Session

E. Minutes DRB May 23, 2024

F. Any Other Necessary Business

G. Public Comment

H. Set Next DRB Meeting Date

I.   Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance at and participation in a public hearing for these cases are required in order to appeal the DRB’s decision. All

applicants or Agents must attend to present their applications for review.